Charles Cutter
Author of Northern Michigan murder mysteries, including The Crooked Angel, Bear Bones, The Gray Drake, Under The Ashes and The Pink Pony.

Latest Release
MARCH 2023
Under The Ashes
“Under the Ashes is like a good gin and tonic: clean, crisp, and with a bite.” —Steven Pruett, Executive Chairman, Cox MediaGroup
Amazon #1 Best Seller
The Pink Pony is now an Amazon #1 Best Seller! Discover why readers can’t get enough of this thrilling mystery set on Mackinac Island. Don’t miss out!
Why people love author Charles Cutter!
"A smashing murder mystery featuring a quick-witted protagonist...Cutter's razor-sharp dialogue in the courtroom (is) truly unforgettable."
~ Kirkus Reviews
"A Charles Cutter mystery is pure Michigan."
~ Peter Anthony Holder, The Stuph File
"A mystery with a protagonist who's truly in his element inside the courtroom."